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Bachelorette Party Central

Buffalo Pedal Tours is Bachelorette Party Central! I was just looking thru a run down of our most popular tours to write a piece about them and found it to be the bachelorette parties. You will have an absolute blast out with your friends on the bike as you cruise around the city.

Decorating your bike will make your bike truly yours. Hanging signs, wearing matching shirts and decorating the bike are the most common things groups do for a bachelorette party. You will be able to bring your own cans of beer, plastic bottles or juice box things of wine and don’t forget the water and food.  Think foods you can hold onto with one hand. You always hold on to the bike for safety. Besides spending quality time with your girls you have many other things to look forward to such as everyone in cars honking and cheering, people on the streets high fiving you and everyone everywhere taking photos/videos/snapchatting. We even have a tiara for the lucky woman to wear during her tour so make sure you let us know you are celebrating.  All time slots are popular.

To find a date and time that works for your group click the BOOK NOW button on the home page, select Any bike or the boat, and learn why Buffalo Pedal Tours is Bachelorette Party Central in Downtown Buffalo!

Bachelorette Party Central with Buffalo Pedal Tours
Bachelorette Party in Front of the French Connection at Key Bank Center