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See Buffalo Architecture In A Different Way!

See Buffalo Architecture In A Different Way!There’s a famous saying that many people use, “Stop and smell the roses…”. Contextually it means in our busy day to day life – stop, look and enjoy your environment. This is also true with the rich history and beautiful landscape that is around the citizens of Buffalo.

There is so much to see and do in our great city that sometimes you have to stop, look around, take it all in and really learn more about what has been done to create such an amazing legacy.

You might even consider yourself a historian of Buffalo and it’s facts, but there’s always new ways to discover what Buffalo has to offer. Or if you have visiting family and friends, and want to introduce them to what makes the Nickel City famous, there’s new and exciting ways to do so that both you and your guests can enjoy.

Buffalo Pedal Tours Architecture Tour

When you book an architecture tour with Buffalo Pedal Tours, you can travel around Buffalo in style, see what the city is made of and learn fascinating new facts about the city you live in. Historical landmarks like Buffalo City Hall, the Electric Tower, Ellicott Square Building and Guaranty Building are just a few iconic buildings with amazing history and architecture that have helped put Buffalo on the map.

Stop and smell the roses, and while you’re checking out the architecture with all your friends, make it fun and unique with Buffalo Pedal Tours. For more information or to book a tour, contact us today!