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Just Moved To Buffalo & Want To Learn About The City In A Fun Way?

Just Moved To Buffalo & Want To Learn About The City In A Fun Way?Moving to a new city can be a new experience for any person or family. Finding a suitable place to live, transferring all your items to the new home, unpacking and getting set up, and finally trying to find a way to fit into your new surroundings. All of this can be stressful, take a toll, and put a damper on your social life.

If you’re in this type of predicament moving into a great city like Buffalo, then perhaps you have been looking for a way to integrate into the neighborhood, learn a little bit about the culture and find some new friends. As we are the “City of Good Neighbors”, it won’t be that hard.

At Buffalo Pedals Tours, we offer you a unique way to have fun and meet new people, all the while learning about the area and why it’s a great place to live.

Jump On A Social Mixer Pedal Tour

Our Social Mixer Pedal tour is your chance to take a tour of the city, get acquainted with Buffalo and is a great last-minute idea to have some fun on the town. Book a spot for yourself and while on the tour you will be enjoying drinks, delicious local food, and finding new friends. We guarantee you will enjoy your ride and might even book another with your new pals!

Buffalo Pedal Tours, one of the best, fun and unique social mixer opportunities in Buffalo, New York. By the end of the Social Mixer Pedal tour, you will be a Buffalo expert. Questions about the social mixer or any of our tours, feel free to contact us today!