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See Buffalo Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

See Buffalo Like You've Never Seen It BeforeLiving in Buffalo, you know the sights, attractions and smells (Cheerios!). You know where to go when you’re hungry, what sport season we are in, and where to go for a nice time. If you’ve lived here long enough, you’ve probably just about seen everything Buffalo has to offer, but that is what keeps you here in the city.

It’s the good neighbors, the delicious food, unpredictable weather, and renaissance type atmosphere that keeps the citizens of Buffalo in intrigue. Those reasons alone Buffalonians accept new, creative ventures and are always looking to find fun in different ways.

One new and exciting way to see Buffalo is on the Buffalo Pedal Tour bus. You can grab a dozen of your cool friends, cruising around the town in style, and since it’s not something you see everyday, you can feel that bit of Buffalo pride as other Buffalonians give you the stare.

You know that stare… It’s a look of awe and wonderment, as to how they can do ride on the tour and enjoy themselves.

Remember that booking a tour is easy and just like riding a bike! Get out, try something new, bring your family or friends and get to see the Queen City in a different way, maybe even make a few friends jealous until they can go on the next tour.

Whether you want to do an exploratory historical architectural tour, the exciting brewery tour, or you would like more information on any tour, call Buffalo Pedal Tours at 716-984-3834, or reserve your date online today!